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Call for tenders

Study on the paths to a well-functioning Social Dialogue in Central Europe

This is a call for a subcontractor to provide expertise with a view to support the activities of the Central European Trade Union Network (CETUN). More specifically, this call for tenders relates to the drafting of a study and a policy brief on the challenges and paths to a well-functioning Social Dialogue and social partnership in Central Europe. CETUN will publish the call on its website, on 16/09/2024, and keep it online for 28 calendar days (deadline for submission of bids: 14/10/2024).

Trade Unions in Central Europe face a set of different challenges and have a broad range of levels of social dialogue involvement. For a deeper analysis of the situation, a study should be carried out focussing on the impact of EU social policy as well as cross-border trade union activities.

This call for tenders will be published on the CETUN website on 16/09/2024 and will be kept online for 28 calendar days. Offers must be sent at the latest on 14/10/2024. Offers must be sent to CETUN in electronic format (by e-mail to unions@cetun.eu) and refer to our “Call for Tenders – CETUN Study”.

The offers will be presented to the CETUN Steering Committee. The committee will evaluate the tenders that have been deemed admissible. An evaluation report and classification of participation requests will be drawn up, dated and adopted by the committee.

The call for tenders with all further details is available for download:  

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